April 2, 2018

A couple of days ago, after all the snow had melted and the ground had, for the most part, dried, I took another walk around the house to survey the surroundings.  I discovered, to my surprise, there were already rose bushes under the window; in fact, there were two!  It turns out my grandmother had planted them years ago, and that apparently, they get so big every year, the landscapers are told to cut them down severely.  My suspicion is that these are climbing roses!  But I will have to stay on a lookout to see.

On 4.1.18, I noticed for the first time, the first buds of leaves emerging from the willow tree.  Against the great evergreen tree in the neighbor’s backyard, the buds look like the whispers of a light green veil flowing before the dark green of the pine. 

In the front of the yard, the clematis, too, has begun to show buds for the oncoming season.  The tulips are pushing their heads through, and even the rose bush appears to have shot out new shoots.

Jessica Liu